Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that Magical Botanical Studio is located on the ancestral homelands of the Shasta and Takelma peoples who lived here for millennia. Members of these Tribes were the original kin-makers, artisans and resiliency masters here in the Rogue Valley. 

Between 1851 and 1856 they were forcefully displaced. Today, the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians identify their members as living descendants of the Takelma and Shasta peoples of this area. We are grateful and inspired by their continued struggle for self-determination, creativity, self-reliance and resilience despite their forced removal from these lands.

We acknowledge this not only in thanks to the Indigenous communities who have held a relationship with this land for generations but also in recognition of the historical and ongoing legacy of colonialism. Additionally, we acknowledge this as a point of reflection for us all as we work towards dismantling colonial practices.

Know the indigenous tribes of southern Oregon or wherever you are in this Native Land map.